Prehistoric religion and culture of India

Prehistoric religion in India

  1. During the lower and Middle paleolithic periods, there was no idea of religion in any form.
  2. Religious life commenced during the upper paleolithic age. This is indicated by the use of burial practice.
  3. The dead bodies were no longer thrown away. They begin to be buried in graves.
  4. The earliest of the grave has been found at Kurnur (Andhra Pradesh). These belong to the upper paleolithic age.
  5. Throughout the stone age, burials were the only evidence of religion that is in the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods.

Prehistoric culture in India

  1. The paleolithic man took interest in the art of painting. Once emerged, the painting continued to be practiced.
  2. About 500 paintings were found on the walls of Bhimbetka caves. The earliest of paintings are about 1 lac years old. Most of these paintings belong to the Mesolithic period.
  3. Painters used red and white colors most commonly. At times, yellow and green colors also used. These colors were mineral in nature and some extracted from plants.
  4. These paintings depict hunting, fighting scenes, birds, animals, and other days to day activities.
  5. Some of the paintings found in Bhimbetka depict scenes of community dance (group dance). This indicates that is stone-age man practice dancing.
  6. Since dance is generally not possible without music, it appears that stone age man was aware of Music as well.
  7. Language being used by men by the upper paleolithic age, because the brain was developed enough to produce complex sentences.

Read: Archaeological Sources of Ancient Indian History

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