Lord Lytton and his reactionary Policies

Lord Lytton was the governor general of India during 1876-1880. He was a strong imperialist. His policies and action were guided by the needs of Britain rather than the aspiration of India.

A massive famine in 1876 struck many parts of India. The most serious impact was felt in Madras presidency. About 58 million were affected and more than 5 million were lost.

When Indians were dying in the large numbers due to a scarcity of foods Etc. Lord Lytton was busy in the celebration in the honor of Queen Victoria. This insensitive attitude of Lord Lytton intensified the anti-british sentiments and the spirit of Indian Nationalism gained strength.

Vernacular Press Act

Vernacular Press Act was enacted by Lord Lytton in 1878 to curtail the freedom of Indian language journals and newspapers.

Arms Act was enacted in 1878 to take away the rights of Indian to bear arms without the license.

Duties on imported cotton goods were reduced in 1879 to facilitate the entry of British machine made products. This provision adversely affected the health of Indian Industries.

All these measures initiated by Lord Lytton was Anti-India, as a result of this the anti-british sentiment got intensified.

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