Examine the Kings’s position in British Government. Why does the british monarchy still exist?

Kings’s Position In British Government

The king reigns but does not rule: The king of England exercises powers in an institutional form. He does not have the right to do anything personally. He exercises the powers of the Crown on the advice of his ministers who are elected from the Parliament of Representatives of the people and are responsible for the same.

In ancient times the king himself exercised these rights; But the gradual development of democracy has made him a nominal ruler.

Whether it is to call the session of Parliament, to dissolve it or to dissolve it, the decision is taken by the Cabinet while the name of the king goes. The king’s speech also does not belong to the king. Two conventions have been firmly established in this regard:-

  1. All the public duties of the king will be performed according to the advice of responsible ministers.
  2. Since it will be all on their advice, the minister will be responsible to the Parliament for his actions individually and collectively.
  3. Where is the scope left in such a situation that the king should do something for which he is personally responsible and since he does everything on the advice of responsible ministers. He can make no mistake (The King can do no wrong). To reveal this fact, Vibantine Hom has described Britain as a republic headed by a hereditary president who is kept in royal elegance.

Actual position of the King:

After studying the development of the British constitution, we come to the conclusion that today the emperor remains only the constitutional head. His real powers are nothing today. The famous 17th century scholar Bejahat calculated the powers of the king. But today those powers have remained a mere name.

Three rights of the emperor

This does not mean that the king’s powers have ended at all. In fact, the king’s powers depend on his personality. Bejahat has stated three rights of the emperor –

(1) Right to be consulted

(2) Right to encourage and

(3) Right to warn.

The Emperor’s right to consult and to encourage and warn him is important for the following reasons-

(1) His high position increases the value of his consultation.

(2) The king who sits on the throne for a long time has a wider knowledge and deeper experience than his ministers.

(3) The king is in a relatively good position to give an impartial judgment on the disputed subjects, being above political interference.

Following are the main reasons for the survival of the Monarchy in England

  1. Oldest institution: The main reason for the survival of the monarchy in England is that it is the oldest institution. The residents of Britain, being the most ancient institution, want to maintain it and look at it with respect. They want to maintain a relationship between the past and the present. That is why they do not want to end any ancient institution.
  2. Conservative nature of the British People: The second reason for the institution of monarchy in Britain is that the people of Britain are of a conservative nature and are not in favor of such revolutionary changes which would hit their social traditions, customs and practices.
  3. The monarchy has not set obstacles in the way of Democracy: In the words of Prof. Laski, “The monarchy has been sold to democracy as its symbol and along with the process of selling it has been so widely praised that it is hardly voiced against it.
  4. Democracy is built in England, in which the kingship also has a useful place, instead of hiding the popular form of institutions, they bring them to light. He is not the leader of any political party or representative of any one class, it is the leader of the nation, it is the king of each. In the tumult struggle of Dalbandi, it is said that the British hope from their king that he will be able to remain a symbol of the unity of the nation.
  5. Assistant in parliamentary governance (It helps in the functioning of the parliamentary democracy): Then in the manner in which the parliamentary system is operational in England, a nominal ruler is needed. Even those countries which have tried to follow this system on the emulation of the British, kept the office of the President of a nominal. In the words of Grillcrest, “The kingship in England is the nail on which the governing machine rotates.” In fact, all the functions of governance are done in the name of the king and the constitutional practices whose authority has come to the real power of the king really depend on the king.
  6. Symbol of the unity of the empire: The ‘monarchy’ has also served the British imperialism very well. In the words of Prof. Laski, “The English Empire has deliberately increased the prestige of the Crown, to prove its meaning. The drum has been deliberately beaten so that the king becomes the Golden Link of the Empire.”
  7. The king is the symbol of the unity of the common wealth: Under the leadership of India, when the system of republics became a part of the Commonwealth, at that time the post of the king was a big task; Because the formula of unity was found on this excuse.
  8. The king has been useful as a mediator: The role of monarchy in the administration of England is not always negligible. In many crisis occasions, the kingdom has played important services and in 1867 and 1887, Queen Victoria and George V during the Irish Home Rule. Not only this, George VI had unabashedly displayed the moral courage of the British by taking the risk of staying in Buckingham Prasad during the Hitler war.
  9. The King helps in the administration: The person who occupies the office of the king may not have real power, but he can serve the administrator heavily by giving warning, giving advice, encouraging. As Peel said, “After sitting on the throne for ten years, any king can keep as much knowledge about governance as no other person can.” The work of George V during the First World War is a vivid example of this.
  10. Important post of the social life: In the end, the Kingdom of England also provides leadership in the field of morality, civilization and culture. In the words of Jennings, “The Raja family has had a great influence on religious subjects such as morality, altruism, fashion, and even art and literature.
  11. The institution of monarchy is not expensive: In the end, the British public does not have to spend special expenses on such an important beneficial and ancient institution. It is estimated that only one-20th of the one percent of the national budget is spent on statehood.


First, the main reason for Britain to remain an institution of monarchy is the reverence of the British residents for their ancient institutions. This is the reason why in the modern era of democracy there remains the post of king in Britain. Second, the second major reason for the institution of kingship in Britain is that the office of king did not become an obstacle in the way of democracy. Thirdly, it has utility because of the continuance of the post of king in Britain. The king is a symbol of unity and social life of the nation.

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