Archaeological sites in Indian Sub-continent with Map

Following is the list of important Archaeological sites in India with Map

ADICHANALLUR – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Tamil Nadu
  2. An important Megalithic site
  3. Evidence of Megalithic burials
  4. Discovery of iron tools & objects
  5. Evidence of agriculture & herding

ATTIRRAM PAKAM – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Tamil Nadu
  2. A Lower Palaeolithic site
  3. An important site of what is known as Madras Industry
  4. It has yielded rich acheulean tools

BAGOR – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Rajasthan
  2. A well-excavated site of Mesolithic Age
  3. It had a distinctive microlithic industry
  4. It gives evidence of pastoralism (the earliest evidence of domestication of animals along with Adamgarh)

BHIMBETKA – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Vindhyan range, south of Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh
  2. An important site of the stone age (paleolithic to mesolithic)
  3. A striking site of pre-historic art
  4. It has more than 500 painted rock shelters (painting of human, animals and birds)

CHOPNIMANDO – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Uttar Pradesh
  2. An important site of Mesolithic
  3. Evidence of eip-palaeolithic (phase-I) and Mesolithic (Later phase) – Epi-palaeolithic represents stone tools smaller than upper palaeolithic but larger than mesolithic.
  4. Earliest evidence of use of pottery about 9000-8000 BC
  5. Evidence of rice (Neolithic age)
  6. Evidence of circular & oval huts
  7. Chopnimando evidence suggests a transition from hunting-gathering to settled mode of life, possibly with incipient agriculture

DAMB SADAT – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Baluchistan
  2. A site of Early Harappan Culture
  3. A site of Quetta culture
  4.  Evidence of pottery and figure of bull

DADHERI – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Punjab
  2. A Painted Grey Ware culture (PGW) site
  3. Evidence of co-existence of late Harappan pottery & PGW

DEOJALI HADING – Archaeological site

  1. Located in north Cachar hills (Assam)
  2. An important site of Eastern Neolithic (around 2000 BC)
  3. Evidence of small ground axes, shouldered celts
  4. Evidence of cord-impressed pottery

DAMDAMA – Archaeological site

  1. Located in  Uttar Pradesh at the confluence of the two branches of a small stream within the drainage system of the Sair river.
  2. A mesolithic site in Ganga plain.
  3. Evidence of microliths, animal bones, bone objectes and charred wild grains
  4. Evidence of 41 human graves.
  5. Evidence of double burials – 2 male-female burials.
  6. One evidence of 3 persons – 2 male and 1 female in one grave
  7. Orientation of bodies, principally west-east
  8. Evidence of skeletons with personal ornaments

GANESHWAR – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Rajasthan.
  2. A site of Early Harappan Culture
  3. Typical chalcolithic site of early phase
  4. Evidence of copper objects & microliths
  5. Discovered and excavated by R.C. Agarwal
  6. Discovery of several hundred copper objects like arrowheads, spearheads, bangles, axes, rings, etc.

GILUND – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Rajasthan
  2. It is a site of Ahar / Banas culture
  3. It represents Chaleolithic culture
  4. It has yielded brick structures which may be placed roughly betweeen 2000 BC-1500 BC which is in general absent in Chalcolithic culture
  5. It has yielded only fragments of copper
  6. A stone-blade industry has been discovered

GUNGERIA – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Madhya Pradesh
  2. Associated with Copper Hoard Culture (about 2000 BC to 1500 BC)
  3. It yields the largest copper hoard which contains 424 copper tools and weapons
  4. This hoard also contains 102 thin sheets of silver objects

HALLUR – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Karnataka
  2. An important neolithic site
  3. Period – 2000 BC-1000 BC
  4. Evidence of ash-mounds
  5. Evidence of polished tools as well as microlith blades
  6. Evidence of agriculture – produced millet and horsegram, Green Gram
  7. Evidence of pottery
  8. Evidence of herding – Cattle, Sheep, Goat mainly
  9. Also represents megalithic phase

HATHNORA – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Narmada Vallley
  2. A Lower Palaeolithic site
  3. Evidence of Homo Erectus, called Narmada Man

JAKHERA – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Uttar Pradesh
  2. A Painted Grey Ware culture (PGW) site
  3. Evidence of iron ploughshare and other iron objects
  4. Evidence of circular Huts – in the later phase evidence of rectangular huts also

JORWE – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Ahmadnagar district of Maharashtra
  2. Situated on the left bank of the river Pravara, a tributary of the Godavari
  3. The type-site of Jorwe Culture
  4. Pottery : Painted black on red
  5. Evidence of unique burial practices

КАТРАLON – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Punjab
  2. A Painted Grey Ware culture (PGW) site
  3. Evidence of co-existence of Late Harappan Pottery & PGW

KILE GUL MOHAMMAD – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Quetta Valley in Baluchistan.
  2. A pre-Harappan culture site as well as N-W neolithic site (5000 BC)
  3. Evidence of mud houses
  4. Evidence of Herding – Cattle, Sheep, Goat
  5. Evidence of microliths
  6. Evidence of different kinds of pottery (a) Crude handmade, (b) Fine wheel made black-on-red ware with geometric design, (c) Kechi beg ware (named after the site of Kechi begin this region, where the pottery was first discovered), buff ware, also use of red paint.
  7. Evidence of copper objects.

LEVAN – Archaeological site

  1. Located in North-West Frontier Province (NWFP)
  2. A site of Early Harappan Culture
  3. Noted for evidence of stone tools factory

MAHADAHA – Archaeological site

  1. Located in UP on the bank of a dried up ox-bow lake.
  2. A mesolithic site
  3. Evidence of microliths made of chert, chalcedony, quartz, agate etc.
  4. Evidence of remarkable burial practices – 2 cases of male-female burials
  5. Grave pits are elliptical and slightly sloping
  6. The general orientation of bodies is west-east.
  7. Evidence of grave goods which include bone ornaments, microliths, animal bones.


  1. Located in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.
  2. An important site of upper paeleolithic
  3. First evidence of bone tools
  4. More than 90% of the total tools discovered are bone tools

NEWASA – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Maharashtra
  2. Findings & study of Newasa by H.D. Sankalia in 1956 established the Middle Palaeolithic phase in India
  3. Newasa is a representative site of Middle Palaeolithic phase in India

PIKLIHAL – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Andhra Pradesh
  2. An important neolithic site of South India (2000 BC to 1000 BC)
  3. Evidence of domestication of cattle, sheep, and goats.
  4. Evidence of ash-mounds, cowshed & cattle hoof impressions
  5. Also represents the earliest iron phase (Megalithic) in South India
  6. Also evidence of copper hoard culture
  7. Rock-painting of the horse belonging to the iron phase

PANDU RAJAR DHIBI – Archaeological site

  1.  Located in Burdwan (West Bengal)
  2. A chalcolithic site of Eastern Chalcolithic culture
  3. The remains of structures are poor indicating post holes and round houses

RANA GHUNDAI – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Baluchistan
  2. A site of Early Harappan Culture
  3. A site of Zhob Culture
  4. Evidence of fine painted pottery
  5. Evidence of Herding – Sheep, Ox, Goat
  6. Evidence of Horse teeth.

REHMAN DHERI – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Gomal Valley in Baluchistan
  2. A site of Early Harappan Culture
  3. A site of Kotdiji Culture
  4. Evidence of earliest urban phase
  5. Evidence of fortification, pottery
  6. Evidence of Grafitti (Potter’s marks) – Considered rudimentary stage of script

SARAI NAHAR RAI – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Pratapgarh district of Uttar Pradesh
  2. Situated on the bank of a dried ox-bow lake (such lakes are common in UP countryside), representing a part of an old bed of the river Ganga
  3. A mesolithic site
  4. Evidence of microlithicindustry
  5. Evidence of animal bones
  6. Evidence of burials – bodies in West-East direction (Head in West)
  7. Graves are oblong pits
  8. Evidence of grave goods

SENUVAR – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Bihar
  2. An important site of Ganga Valley Neolithic.
  3. Evidence of remarkable bone tools
  4. Evidence of rice cultivation
  5. Evidence of cultivation of barley, pea, millets, lentil

UTNUR – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Andhra Pradesh
  2. An important neolithic site
  3. Evidence of ash-mounds
  4. Evidence of agriculture & herding
  5. Evidence of cowshed & cattle hoof impressions

RENUGUNTA – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Andhra Pradesh
  2. An important upper Palaeolithic site
  3. It has yielded a large number of blades, the characteristic of upper palaeolithic
  4. It has also yielded mesolithic microlithics

RIWAT – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Sohan Valley, W. Punjab, PAK
  2. An important Lower Palaeslithic site
  3. Evidence of hand axe, typical of Lower Palaeolithic

PALLAVARAM – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Tamil Nadu
  2. A Lower Palaeolithic site
  3. Discovery of first-hand ax (Acheulean tool)
  4. An important site of what is known as the Madras industry

RAJPUR PARSU – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Bijnor district in Uttar Pradesh
  2. A copper Hoard culture site
  3. It has also yielded ochre-colored pottery – so an ochre-colored pottery culture site also
  4. Small in size and mounds have a low height – this indicates a relatively short duration of the settlement

КАYATHA – Archaeological site

  1. Located near Ujjain
  2. Situated on the bank of the river Kalisindh
  3. The type-site of Kayatha culture (2000 BC – 1800 BC) – a Chalcolithic culture
  4. Pottery : (a) Red slipped ware painted in dark brown, (b) Red painted buff ware, (c) Combed ware

SAVALDA – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Maharashtra
  2. The type-site of Salvada Culture (2000 BC-1800 BC) – A chalcolithic culture
  3. Pottery is black-on-red painted, decorated with birds, animals, fishes etc.

ROHRI – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Northern sindh
  2. A site of Early Harappan Culture
  3. Noted for evidence of stone industry

SANGANKALLU – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Karnataka
  2. A mesolithic site
  3. It has yielded cores, flakes, points and crescent
  4. It also represents neolithic phase-the earliest with Nagarjunkonda in South
  5. Neolithic phase suggests beginning of agriculture, herding and pottery
  6. Evidence of ash mound (Neolithic)

SUKKUR – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Northern sindh
  2. A site of Early Harappan Culture
  3. Noted for evidence of stone industry

TILWARA – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Rajasthan
  2. A mesolithic site
  3. Rich in microliths
  4. It has two phases and phase-l is mesolithic
  5. Phase-Il has yielded wheel-made pottery & pieces of iron with microliths

T. NARSIPUR – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Karnataka
  2. An important Neolithic site
  3. Period-2000 BC-1000 BC
  4. Evidence of ash-mounds
  5. Evidence of polished tools as well as microliths
  6. Evidence of agriculture – produced millet and horsegram, Green Gram
  7. Evidence of pottery
  8. Evidence of herding – Cattle, Sheep, Goat mainly

PAIYAMPALLI – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Tamil Nadu
  2. An important neolithic site
  3. Period – 2000 BC-1000 BC
  4. Evidence of ash-mounds
  5. Evidence of polished tools as well as microlith blades
  6. Evidence of agriculture – produced millet and horsegram, Green Gram
  7. Evidence of pottery
  8. Evidence of herding – Cattle, Sheep, Goat mainly

ТЕККALKOTAА – Archaeological site

  1. Located in Karnataka
  2. An important neolithic site
  3. Period – 2000 BC-1000 BC
  4. Evidence of ash-mounds
  5. Evidence of polished tools as well as microlith blades
  6. Evidence of agriculture – produced millet and horsegram, Green Gram
  7. Evidence of pottery
  8. Evidence of herding Cattle, Sheep, Goat mainly

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