Kanjli Wetland: Ramsar site in India

About Kanjli Wetland

  1. It is an artificial Wetland, located in the Kapurthala District of Punjab, built-in 1870.
  2. It was designated as a Ramsar wetland site on 22nd January 2002.
  3. It covers a surface area of 183 hectares.
  4. It is a freshwater wetland.
  5. Kali Bein was turned into a water storage area for irrigation by the building of a small dam in 1870.
  6. Designation: Criteria 3 – Criteria based on species and ecological communities.
  7. Wetland Type: River stretch
  8. Protection Status: Conservation Reserve
  9. Management Authority: Department of Forest and Wildlife Preservation, Punjab

Species richness found in Kanjli Wetland

  • 97 Birds
  • 11 Fishes
  • 4 Mammals
  • 35 taxa of Invertebrates

Values and Benefits of Kanjli Wetland

  1. Provides water for irrigation
  2. It acts as a buffer against floods
  3. It helps in Purifying waste-water
  4. Traps sediment
  5. Recharges groundwater
  6. Habitat for several
  7. Recreation and tourism
  8. Scientific and educational values
  9. Holy river associated with Guru Nanak Dev ji

Major threats for Kanjli Wetland

  1. Hydrological regime alteration
  2. Siltation
  3. Pollution from upstream cities and towns
  4. Water hyacinth proliferation
  5. Encroachment

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